The Church in the English speaking world

 The Church in the English speaking world. RC, Roman Catholic (Headed by The Pope, The Church is everything on earth and in the entire universe), C of E Anglican (Headed by the English Monarch, is the State and a church community), NC non-conformist, (Headed by a president or other leader and is a State an various bits of The Church. 

Roman Catholic all about Church and serving God 

Anglican all about State and a royal family and church

Non conformist all about State and a elite group of rulers (elite families) and church

Quo Vadis?

The English protestant reformation was started by King Henry VIII in an attempt to replace Peter with Hen ry and that attempt continues to this very day, In some parts of the english speaking world Peter was re placed with b room.

E are C students RC, C of E, NC

These and many other English speaking martyrs refused to accept the State as The Church


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