
Showing posts from July, 2022

DECEMBER 18, 2019 The Fight for Traditional Marriage Isn’t Over FR. MARIO ALEXIS PORTELLA

DECEMBER 18, 2019 The Fight for Traditional Marriage Isn’t Over FR. MARIO ALEXIS PORTELLA

Jane Austen's Common Sense Wisdom on Marriage and Family

Jane Austen's Common Sense Wisdom on Marriage and Family : When one is looking for a good dose of reality and common sense, there are few better places than a Jane Austen novel. Entertaining they are, but also scattered with drops of wisdom that run counter to our modern notions. For example, take the idea of “change” (often coupled with “hope”); today this idea is …

Changing Discipline Changes Doctrine, Again

Changing Discipline Changes Doctrine, Again : In a recent piece on the Synod, I argued  that sometimes a change of Church discipline cannot not happen without a change in Church doctrine, and that since Church doctrine about Communion for Catholics who have obtained a civil divorce and remarriage does not change, Catholics should not expect Church discipline to change either. Today I …

The Challenge of Defending the Normal

The Challenge of Defending the Normal : We continue to reel from the blows dealt by the Culture of Death. The attack on life, and particularly on the family, that institution which is the incubator and nourisher of life, continues relentlessly. Our states and our courts have now given the name of “marriage” to a fundamentally unnatural and barren relationship that was …

Untethering Sacramental Marriage from Civil Marriage

Untethering Sacramental Marriage from Civil Marriage : Months ago, I watched as some Christians took to the internet opposing R. R. Reno’s position in “A Time to Rend,” in which he calls for a separation of sacramental marriage from civil marriage. Much of the criticism made accusations of disengagement with, and abandonment of, the culture. One Protestant even went so far as …


Testimony from a Guest
