
Showing posts from December, 2021

A call for unity and a call for holiness.

 A call for unity and a call for holiness. The Holy Father puts forward a vision of the church which he calls an “inverted pyramid,” with the People of God, the base, above what is normally perceived to be the “apex.” The clergy, bishops, cardinals, and even His Holiness the “servant of servants of God,” himself are all located beneath the People, playing the role of undergirding systems of support for the wider believing faithful, not franchise branch managers, or guardians and dispensers of oligarchical stockpiles of grace. The ministers (from “minus” meaning “less”) do not “lord their power” over the rest of the People, but rather serve them effectively and tirelessly. This is the mark of a truly synodal church, which can both teach and listen.) For I tell you, that unless your justice abound more than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matt 5 20 Douay-Rheims Bible also USCB bible

“Babel-ing”: bane and blessing (God sent us out now with the Catholic Mass in the vernacular He is bringing us home. Thanks be to God! )

 “Babel-ing”: bane and blessing by Alicia Burger, Commissioner – Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as they migrated from the east, they came upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there…. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.” Genesis 11:1-4 Consider Babel: motives, not construction, were the main issue! Was it mainly pride that got in the way of the people? Understanding the event of “Babel” has less to do with knowing what they built than with unveiling their motives—why they built it. Fear was the principal reason: fear of being scattered across the earth; fear of being separated and made to be “different” from one another, forced out of their shared cultural and linguistic commonality. The tower of Babel represents man’s effort to go against God’s purpose and to preserve a unifi...


 LITANY OF INTERCESSION FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE Remember not, O Lord, our Offences, nor those of our Parents; neither take thou Vengeance of our Sins. Lord, have Mercy on us. Christ, have Mercy on us. Lord, have Mercy on us. Jesus, receive our Prayers. Lord Jesus, grant our Petitions, O God the Father, Creator of the World, Have Mercy on the English speaking people. O God the Son, Redeemer of the World, Have Mercy on this land. O God the Holy Ghost, Protector of the World, Have Mercy on .this land. O Sacred Trinity, three Persons and one God, Have Mercy on this land. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for the English speaking people. (repeat) Holy Mary, Queen of Angels, whose powerful Intercession destroys Heresies, Pray for the English speaking people. Holy Mary, Virgin of Virgins, whose eminent Sanctity our Lord hath honoured with so many Miracles,Pray for the English speaking people St. Michael, Prince of the Church, Pray for the English speaking people. St...

My Fair Lady "Why Can't The English Learn To Speak?" Music Video


The Church in the English speaking world

 The Church in the English speaking world. RC, Roman Catholic (Headed by The Pope, The Church is everything on earth and in the entire universe), C of E Anglican (Headed by the English Monarch, is the State and a church community), NC non-conformist, (Headed by a president or other leader and is a State an various bits of The Church.  Roman Catholic all about Church and serving God  Anglican all about State and a royal family and church Non conformist all about State and a elite group of rulers (elite families) and church Quo Vadis? The English protestant reformation was started by King Henry VIII in an attempt to replace Peter with Hen ry and that attempt continues to this very day, In some parts of the english speaking world Peter was re placed with b room. E are C students RC, C of E, NC These and many other English speaking martyrs refused to accept the State as The Church

English spoken here 1.5 billion speakers


The Mass in the Vernacular

The Mass in the Vernacular [ edit  |  edit source ] When all is said and done, the first, most important, and often the only point of contact for the average person with the church is the mass. There can be no doubt that the decision of the council to allow the mass to be celebrated in the vernacular was of tremendous importance. It saved the mass from being merely a quaint rite, a relic of the past, and made it relevant to people’s lives in the present. A new breviary (which contains the annual schedule of hymns, prayers, Scripture readings, etc.) has also been introduced. The mass is still centered around the eucharist, however.  

Catholics Hear Mass in English Today for First Time in the U.S.

  Catholics Hear Mass in English Today for First Time in the U.S.
  From 1563 until 1965, the Catholic Mass was said entirely in Latin. Now, Catholics worldwide celebrate the Mass in their own native language. That huge change resulted from Vatican II, more formally known as the Second Vatican Council (1962–65). Vatican II allowed congregations to use the native language of the area (the   vernacular ) in public worship of the Church, while preserving the rich Latin language and tradition. Having the Mass in one language anywhere and everywhere all over the world made it easy for Catholics to travel and feel truly  catholic  (or universal). But Latin wasn’t universally taught in the schools like it used to be, so many people didn’t know any Latin at all. That’s why the Church allowed for the native language — to promote a full, conscious, and active participation of the faithful in all the prayers, hymns, and responses of the Mass all over the world. Since Vatican II, Catholics have been asked — and are strongly encouraged — to par...

Mass in the vernacular 50 years old this year

  Mass in the vernacular 50 years old this year via @IrishTimes The second  Vatican  Council closed 50 years ago this year, having begun in October 1962. One of the major changes it ushered in was the saying of the Mass in vernacular languages. The first vernacular Masses were read in Irish Catholic churches on March 7th, 1965, bringing to an end the widespread tradition of the  Latin Tridentine Mass , which had lasted since 1570 and which was the most widely celebrated Mass liturgy in the world. In some parts of the country, the Mass was said in Irish. During a debate in Seanad Éireann, in November 1965, on a White Paper on the revival of Irish, Senator Tomás Ó Maoláin described the introduction of the vernacular Mass as “a great step forward in aid of the Irish language”. Looking back from the vantage point of 50 years, it would probably be true to say that most people welc...

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) allowed the use of vernacular languages at mass and turned the priest towards the congregation to pray in dialogue with them.J

  The Second Vatican Council  (1962-1965) allowed the use of vernacular languages at mass and turned the priest towards the congregation to pray in dialogue with them. Jul 7, 2007  Catholics throughout the world worshiped in Latin until Vatican II, when the church granted permission for priests to celebrate Mass in other languages. The English translation used until this weekend was published in  the early 1970s  and modified in 1985. Nov 27, 2011