
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Siege of Christendom

  The Siege of Christendom In the formation of Christendom, its economic and social structure, under the influence of the Catholic Church, the next period after the first foundational one (of five hundred years) is another , also roughly five hundred years; from approximately the year 500 to about the year 1000 . It is a period of five centuries-the 6 th ,7 th ,8 th ,9 th  and 10 th -which have been commonly called the “The Dark Ages,” but which may more properly be called    “The Siege of Christendom.” It was the period during which the Graeco-Roman Empire, already transformed by Catholicism, fell into peril of destruction at the hands of exterior enemies.  It was assaulted from the north, from the east, and from the southeast in two separate fashions. Hordes of wholly pagan barbarians, some issuing from Scandinavia, many Mongols, many Slavs, fiercely thrust at the boundaries of Christendom with the hope of looting it as their prey and therefore ruining it. The...

The Beginning and Spread of the Catholic Culture -H. Belloc

  The Beginning and Spread of the Catholic Culture How was the Faith was established and spread with such astonishing success throughout a vast society which had begun by knowing it ill, had proceeded to hate it, and had at last accepted it for a universal religion.  But what was the internal force?   How were men convinced?  Why did they join this society in spite of the terrible risks communion with it involved?  Often it meant ruin of fortune and thrusting out from the society of one’s fellows and sometimes torture and death.  What drove men to it?  The answer is that the Church was a person which men came to trust as they come to trust it today.  A man became a Christian because he found that the Church affirmed things which he recognized to be true in experience and holy in character. The Holy Catholic Church and Christian Culture We must begin by laying down as a historical fact not to be removed by affection one way or the other, that the ...

20% of the Congressmen of the New U .S. Congress Are Catholics - ZENIT - English

20% of the Congressmen of the New U .S. Congress Are Catholics - ZENIT - English : The largest group of Christians in the 118th Congress are Catholics, who number 148. Nevertheless, there are 10 fewer congressmen than in the 117th Legislature. Thus Catholics represent 28% of the members of Congress, although in the United States only 21% of the population is Catholic.

What is the rarest mineral on Earth?

  What is the rarest mineral on Earth?

UV radiation pulse played a role in a mass extinction event, fossilized pollen reveals

  UV radiation pulse played a role in a mass extinction event, fossilized pollen reveals